A breakthrough in Riley Keough's bid to prevent the foreclosure sale of Graceland. Plus, how wedding superstitions saved a woman's marriage, and a teen's home run of a promposal. |
A Tennessee judge blocked a planned sale of the iconic Graceland in Memphis, ruling yesterday that the sale of Elvis Presley's former home should be delayed in the matter of public interest. The judge also said that Riley Keough, Presley's granddaughter, would likely win her legal fight against an investment firm if she provides evidence that they used fraudulent documents and phony signatures. Meanwhile, the company at the center of the dispute remains a total mystery. Here's the latest.
Rain on your wedding day. The groom seeing the bride's dress beforehand. Accepting a vintage wedding ring. As wedding season kicks off this summer, author Jessie Rosen shares how she believed all the big wedding superstitions leading up to her own nuptials, leaving her frantically checking weather apps and hiding her dress. Those superstitions led to breakthrough conversations with her now-husband, as she realized all her worrying was about what might happen to their marriage. "Once I let my fears do some talking, I realized some anxieties were based on things still unsaid in my relationship," she wrote for TODAY.com. Continue reading.
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Ready to shop Memorial Day deals? Our Shop TODAY team rounded up sales you can take advantage of now — including TODAY-exclusives at Summersalt, Cuisinart, NYDJ and more! |
Achieve your life and health goals with easy tips. |
The French press exercise is a super effective way to target your triceps, shoulders and core. Here's how to do it to help tone your upper arms. |
Allow us to do the meal-planning for you |
For your Memorial Day cookout this weekend, serve smoky marinated chicken kebabs with cool, creamy tzatziki sauce. The kebabs cook quickly on the grill and are easy to load up with tons of flavor. |
A little pick-me-up before you go. |
It's going to be hard for the actual prom to top the promposal for one New Jersey teen. Jake Portella, a student at Haddonfield Memorial High School, enlisted the help of Philadelphia Phillies superstar Bryce Harper to get his crush to say yes. In a video Jake shared, Harper and the teen stand at Giulia Leonetti’s front door as the two-time National League MVP does the talking. “Jake wants to ask you to prom, so I thought I’d help him out,” Harper says. "So will you go to prom with him?” Giulia was speechless. "I just couldn’t believe he was really there in front of me," she told MLB.com. Here's how Jake pulled it off.
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Written by Scott Stump | Edited by Philip Caulfield Enjoying This is TODAY?
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